Alhamdulillah dikasih amanah di posisi ke-2. Terima kasih @ezcookingbaking. video teman-teman yg ikut challenge ini juga bagus-bagus semua. Gak nyangka bisa menang lagi. Selamat ya yg udah menang. Yang belum, yuk semangat terus. 😊 #Repost ・・・ Congratulation to all participants of #reybakes sequel #1 #reyeclairshell . 🥇Winngass Freestanding Gas Cooker @dybow . 🥈LG Microwave @adistinurarifanillah . 🥉Kirin Portable Oven @dianandariskia . 🏅7 unit Kirin Rice Cooker @tiyas_martiana @_ajiarif @ngurahabik @yudhistirajazzy @thewillysun @beppi_lucia @rakhmarn . Note: please check your DM. For those not yet a winner, stay tune for another challenge #dapuradis #reybakes #reyeclairshell